For seller
Through website of Jeju e-Marketplace, companies in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province can produce catalogues of products that they want to promote, register company info, and selling leads. Through the promoted contents, reception and response management about inquiries that buyers sent can be available.
If you click ‘For Seller’ at the right part of top in ENG website, you will be moved to the page which is consisted of menus that you use frequently.
If you click “For Buyer” at the right side of top at ENG website, you will be moved to the page consisted of menus that buyers use frequently.
Registration of Promote Contents
Company information, which has inputted in the process of membership registration, is applied. If some changes of enterprises are occurred, make the change in menu of member’s information change in My page and then the information in the catalogue will be also changed.
- Product Information :The product information has to be produced and promoted by electronic catalogue through menu of electronic catalogue production in website of Jeju e-Marketplace. The production and management are progressed in My Products menu of My page of ENG website.
- Transmission of Electronic Trade Proposal : Like product information, go to ENG website for My page to produce in My e-circular Letter menu. Contents of products introduction are conducted by selecting the products you want in existing product information. After the completion of production, select objects through buyers search in the transmission page. And then make transmission.
Management of Promote Information
- Management of Contents : Company information, product information (e-catalogue), registration, correction, and delete of electronic trade proposal are conducted in each menu in My Page
- Inquiry Management : Inquiries from buyers through promotion can be read, replied, and transmitted in My Inquiry Menu.
Other Useful Information
- Buyer Search : It is a menu that downloading and reading lists of Jeju e-Marketplace through search by companies.
- Post Selling Leads : In order to find proper buyers for trade about the products that companies of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province have, sales offer information can be registered in the bulletin board of Trade Leads. After buyers read the registered information, they can trade offer information.